Our specialists are qualified to the highest level possible and recognised as experts in their field worldwide. See our About Us page for more information.
Referrals can be carried out in our own purpose-built clinic, or at various equine practices and other locations throughout the UK. For veterinary surgeons, please contact us if you would like EDC to provide referral services at your practice.
Chris Pearce CertEM(IntMed) CertES (SoftTissue) DipEVDC(Equine) FNCED MRCVS is a European and RCVS Recognised Veterinary Specialist in Equine Dentistry with considerable experience in advanced referral equine dentistry. Chris operated an equine dental referral service for many years in Dorset, before opening EDC in 2013, and now performs referral services across the UK and Europe and lectures worldwide.
Nicole DuToit BVSc CertEP MSc PhD DipEVDC(Equine) DipAVDC(Equine) FNCED MRCVS is a world renowned equine dental specialist, with Diplomas from both European and American Boards, a PhD and over 50 published papers to her name, and joins Chris to make EDC a formidable team, positioning us at the very forefront of equine veterinary dentistry.
Richard Reardon BVetMed DipECVS CertES(Orth) PhD MRCVS is our referral specialist covering Scotland and the North of England, dual boarded as a specialist in surgery and dentistry. Richard offers referral services, imaging and general referral advice from various equine practices in Scotland and also Glasgow University.
EDC is fully equipped to offer advanced equine dentistry and head / sinus referral services, either by visiting your practice, or by referring cases to us at our own purpose built dental clinic.
Please note that while we are veterinary surgeons, we always strive to ensure all referrals are carried out on a strict ethical basis with the full support and informed co-operation of your own veterinary surgeon. We are always happy to contact your vet for you if your horse is referred directly from an EDT, or by you. It is your choice who treats your horse, but we would like to, and have an ethical obligation to work closely with your own vet.
Call Today:
Office reception for all enquiries and referrals +44 (0)1258 841191
Our referral services include:
- Oroscopic examinations with video and image recording
- Oral and surgical dental extractions including minimally invasive techniques (MTE, MIR*, sectioning)
- Occlusal restorations e.g. infundibular caries
- Endodontic (‘root canal’) therapy of incisors, canines and cheek teeth
- Periodontal disease treatments including widening and bridging of diastemata
- Sinus surgeries (osteoplastic flaps, trephination, trans-nasal)
- Laser surgical and dental techniques
- Orthodontics e.g. ‘parrot mouth’ correction in foals
- Mandibular fracture repairs
All our advanced dentistry is carried out under standing sedation. Modern techniques have meant that general anaesthesia is now obsolete in all but the most extreme cases.
Referral Clinics
Away from our own clinic near Wimborne in Dorset, we run regular referral clinics at many locations across the whole of the UK. For more information on a referral clinic near you, or to arrange a referral please contact us
We also regularly visit the Channel Islands, Germany, France, as well as numerous other veterinary clinics and equestrian facilities across Europe from time to time.
Diagnostic Imaging
We can arrange any imaging modality for your cases. We have our own Siemens 40-Slice computed tomography (CT) scanner (standing fan beam) at our clinic near Wimborne in Dorset and cases requiring CT can be imaged and treated ‘same-day’. Our new clinic has a large car and lorry park, 3 dental clinic rooms, a large waiting room, 12 stables for in-patients and a CPD room and teaching spaces for our Key Skills series of CPD courses.
Image reading service
Chris, Nicole and Richard offer free informal referral advice on any dental case, head and dental image reading service, including for CT scans performed at other locations.
For regular referral practices, we will share a cloud drive folder with you for ease of sharing reports and imaging.
Feel free to contact our specialists anytime for an informal opinion on a case or to discuss a referral appointment.
Chris: +44(0)7909990903
Nicole: +44(0)7799037922
Richard: +44(0)7779111905